Request for Testnet SUI Tokens and Inquiry About Token Request Process

Dear Sui Team

I’m Bipin, I’m a managing dev at MECHA. (MECHA DAO LLC is currently in formation).

Although we haven’t made any noise yet, we are already building products on Sui. Titles for our products include:

WalletCast™ , ChannelConnect™

We are also testing a workaround for a smart contract wallet.

Our first goal is to turn acts of broadcasting into transactions. We do this by using channel name objects.

We need about 2000 testnet Sui tokens for testing purposes. Can we get those? Please send to:


Is there a faucet that can deliver more than 1 token at a time?

For business questions, please contact our founder David Bolliger on LinkedIn or relay a contact address here. Any dev questions, please direct them to me.

Thanks and regards



Hi @bipin_bhandari

Thanks for your message and apologies for the slow response. I just transferred 2000 SUI on your testnet address (check for this object ID 0x3b75eccb333b87499c928707c4f684c0220ad247b2dfd023f261551232f68473). Happy testing!

P.S. There is no well specified process, just ping us here or on Discord and we will transfer you testnet tokens.


While not as easy as using testnet with sufficient SUI, you could spin up a local server (sui-test-validator) and just use the CLI to ask for coins. A local faucet request will give you 5 coins with 200 SUI, so you only need 2 requests to get 2000 SUI.
sui client faucet - run this twice,
sui client gas - to see the gas objects.


~  sui client faucet                                                                                                                                                                                                    ✔   21.6.2 
Request successful. It can take up to 1 minute to get the coin. Run sui client gas to check your gas coins.
 ~  sui client gas                                                                                                                                                                                                       ✔   21.6.2 
│ gasCoinId                                                          │ mistBalance (MIST) │ suiBalance (SUI) │
│ 0x097a65cd20a216fdf378ea5ae5454c90bdd8d0cc030489e2f51d15f39b8a0612 │ 200000000000       │ 200.00           │
│ 0x108e793fc8c6ca53fb23360cf43666e0b50f9e33d3804b2724157f83757cc54d │ 200000000000       │ 200.00           │
│ 0x61f711f875b8c18d157bdb215843c73cebc64aea0be5aa460dd2da501bc42685 │ 200000000000       │ 200.00           │
│ 0xa813ca97b44f5b9eadff9adb210cdbbaf0d8cc0362bb49c166f2b48b9ffd9c7f │ 200000000000       │ 200.00           │
│ 0xf17a39b570cba6fd8bf01d331e2d0bea91dd3276cfe81ee4bc78ba4373126715 │ 200000000000       │ 200.00           │

Then you could merge all these coins into one, if you want to just have one gas coin. A bit more convoluted, but wanted to offer this possibility as well.


perfect thank you, Happy Testing.

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