Missing staked SUI coins

Until today morning i had 4922 staked, plus 7 SUI as unclaimed reward. Suddenly, it was all gone, but there is no trace in transactions that those coins are unstaked or sent to another wallet. Can you please help me to explain myself what happened here, cause it seems that I was robbed for 5K of SUI coins without any trace?! My original wallet is Martian wallet, but I also try wit SUI wallet, but the result was the same.

my wallet address:

thanks in advance

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It looks like you have interacted with a scam. The following link takes you to the transaction that stole the object representing your staked SUI.

Dear Brendan and the rest of the team,

So, I stake my coins with an official SUI validator, and those coins were not even in my wallet, but you claim that I was scammed when they are missing?? How is that even possible? What kind of security is that on your blockchain? I think you have a major security breach, and I think you are deeply aware of it, but you don’t want to cause panic among investors, so you haven’t publicly announced it. Who knows how many stakers have been harmed in the same way? This simply cannot end like this. If you do not have decision-making autonomy, I kindly ask you to forward this email to someone who does, as I expect Mysten Labs to fully compensate me for my loss. If there is no understanding for this request of mine, I have no choice but to expose my case and your explanation of how this happened on all possible forums and social networks, in order to get advice from the crypto community and, if nothing else, to raise awareness among stakers about the existence of this problem.

Thks in advance and best regards,

Hrvoje Kujundzic

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Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Based on our investigation, we do not believe this is a vulnerability within any specific wallet, or the blockchain itself.

It appears that your seed phrase or private key may have been exposed, allowing the scammer to access your wallet and move objects, such as objects which represent staked SUI. Due to the decentralized nature of the blockchain, we do not have control over your account or the ability to move assets back into your wallet. To secure your assets, please move any remaining coins, NFTs, or other objects to a different wallet.

Further, when you stake your SUI, your staked position is represented by an object that is stored in your wallet. The best way to think of this object is as a receipt, and this receipt allows you to claim your staked SUI and any associated rewards when you are ready, but you cannot claim that SUI without the receipt. You are correct that the SUI coins are not in your wallet, but the object, or ‘receipt’, that represents that SUI was. This is true for many actions on Sui, such as DeFi positions, they are represented by objects that are stored in your wallet. This is simply how object based blockchains work.

Thank you for your quick but, unfortunately, unusable response. You replied just for the sake of replying, but definitely without any evidence, you only made assumptions.

On the other hand, logic speaks precisely the opposite of what you write. If someone had come into possession of my wallet knowing my seed phrase or private key, they would have easily unstake staked SUI and sent them to their wallet address, instead of messing with sending the object that is in the wallet. Unstaking and sending SUI coins takes less than 20 seconds, and it is an operation with a completely certain outcome, unlike sending the object that represents the stake.

Therefore, it is certain that no one has come into possession of my seed phrase or private key, just as it is certain that SUI has a significant flaw in the design of the staking mechanism. It is not true that this is the nature of blockchain technology, quite the opposite. Blockchain technology should transparently show transactions, which is definitely not the case here, as the SUI explorer, as well as the wallet, cannot clearly present the transaction that led to the loss of the deposit. Once again, I appeal to you to compensate me for the damage, and I will make sure that the seed phrase or private key remains safe as it has been so far.

Thks in advance and best regards,