I am from the Suirex ($REX) team. We submitted the recognition form more than two weeks ago, it’s fine to wait for that process. However, there are some issues with how REX is displayed on Sui Wallet. Specifically, the token supply appears with 6 extra zeros, and the REX token icon is missing. @mosaicRegressor
We previously raised this in the Sui Discord but didn’t get any help. We’re hoping to get the help we need here to address these issues and ensure accurate representation for our community.
Any updates on this? This is a really important issue for our project and we’ve been trying to fix it for more than a month. For example, because of this issue it’s impossible to use some tools, like the Suicoins website and make airdrops to the community, etc. Also besides on supply issue, it is not good if icon of your coin not showing up in wallet. I hope these issues can get fixed by Sui Wallet team in couple days. @mosaicRegressor
I’ve pinged the wallet team, but I can’t be sure when they will reply. Everyone’s schedules are tight as we approach the holidays.
You can also try to #dev-discussion channel in Discord, or the Suinami Riders TG channel. Both are filled with builders who may be able to offer advice.
TG: Telegram: Join Group Chat
Discord: Sui
The Discord channel requires linking a Github account to the Sui Discord server. This grants you the developer role and allows you to speak in the #dev-discussion channel
I tried #dev-discussion channel in previous weeks but didn’t work actually. Let me try Suinami Riders TG channel. Thank you again, will be waiting for your reply.