Suivision shows my Sui tokens but Splash wallet shows zero


Four months ago, my Splash wallet was working fine and showed the sui tokens that have been staked. I just checked today and to my horror, it showed zero tokens staked. I did a check via Suivision and my account reflected the right number of Sui tokens and it showed correctly where they are staked.

What happened and what should I do? Your help is very much appreciated.

Sebastian Foo

If you import this address into the official Sui Wallet, do you see the tokens?

If you share your address we may be able to further assist.


My address is: 0xa0766a9765873f6bcf26098c823e5a4a38fcf901eba3a86562a8a2f03bb2e61a

I now see the sui tokens back in the wallet. Why does it behave this way i.e. disappears and then reappear?

Could there be a bug?

Appreciate your kind assistance.

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I’m not familiar with Splash wallet, it may have been a brief hiccup with Splash or the RPC node that you’re using.It never hurts to have your keys imported into the official Sui Wallet as well, you can always check that if Splash appears to be showing you incorrect data again.

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