Unrecognized tokens on sui wallet

How can I change unrecognized tokens to recognized? Can I add the tokens via the addresses?

Just click the “pin” button. Please only pin coins you trust

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Thank you. I don’t rust any coins. However, I did copy the address from coingecko and pasted it into the cetus platform. I did pin them and they no longer say “unrecognized” however, they only show how many tokens I have. It doesn’t show the dollar amount. Or more importantly, allow me to swap them. Only shows a address to send.

At the moment you can swap in cetus platform, the sui wallet will show $ amount and enable swap function when that token get verified

Ok, thank you. Is there a time line or a market cap once a token gets verified? I have 4 projects that are not. Osiris, Tardi, SUIai and stonefish. At the moment I am not able to do anything with them.

there is not wallet tab on the SUI wallet.