Hello, I am working on a smartcontract that would like to interact with the package rengerated by tradeport. This is the package (Sui Cats) - 0x1809d8bd18c67977fb8621bd30ee72f93febcc709abdd7d28a0404175e3aa4a7
I tried to create a local package which is similar to the original one
module tradeport_nft::sui_cats {
use std::string::{Self, String};
use sui::vec_map::{Self, VecMap};
public struct Nft has key, store {
id: UID,
group_id: String,
type1: u64,
name: String,
index: u64,
description: String,
media_url: String,
attributes:VecMap<String, String>
and this is the package which link to above package
/// Module: pume_nft
module pume_nft::pume_nft {
use sui::kiosk;
use tradeport_nft::sui_cats::Nft;
public entry fun check_nft_in_collection(
kiosk_id: &mut kiosk::Kiosk,
kiosk_owner_cap: &kiosk::KioskOwnerCap,
nft_id: vector<u8>,
_ctx: &mut TxContext
): bool {
let nft = kiosk::borrow_mut<Nft>(kiosk_id, kiosk_owner_cap, object::id_from_bytes(nft_id));
It works well on the testnet. However, I got erros when I deploy my package to mainnet and link to the original package which created by tradeport.
This is the error, I tried with sui client publish --gas-budget 100000000 --skip-dependency-verification
, but it doesn’t work
Thank you so much,