Fail Publish: $ sui client publish --gas-budget 10000000

When i try to publish my code. Code is very simple code. I can build without problem but to publish i get this RPC call failed.
may be api version Mismatch but I am not sure. Mine is : 1.24.0 but client is 1.23.0
Please let me know . Thank you.

$ sui client publish --gas-budget 10000000 /mnt/c/WINDOWxxxxxxxxxxxxd/sources/Hello.move
[warn] Client/Server api version mismatch, client api version : 1.23.0, server api version : 1.24.0
BUILDING hello_world
Successfully verified dependencies on-chain against source.
RPC call failed: ErrorObject { code: ServerError(-32002), message: “Transaction execution failed due to issues with transaction inputs, please review the errors and try again: TransferObjects, MergeCoin, and Publish cannot have empty arguments. If MakeMoveVec has empty arguments, it must have a type specified.”, data: None }

Caused by:
RPC call failed: ErrorObject { code: ServerError(-32002), message: “Transaction execution failed due to issues with transaction inputs, please review the errors and try again: TransferObjects, MergeCoin, and Publish cannot have empty arguments. If MakeMoveVec has empty arguments, it must have a type specified.”, data: None }

Your publish call is a bit strange, you should pass the path to the Move project and not to the move source file.

sui client publish --gas-budget 10000000 /mnt/c/WINDOWxxxxxxxxxxxxd/ might work, if this folder is the folder where you have your project files:

  • Move.toml file
  • sources/Hello.move

Let me know @kyawgyi if this worked.