Fail Publish: $ sui client publish --gas-budget 10000000

When i try to publish my code. Code is very simple code. I can build without problem but to publish i get this RPC call failed.
may be api version Mismatch but I am not sure. Mine is : 1.24.0 but client is 1.23.0
Please let me know . Thank you.

$ sui client publish --gas-budget 10000000 /mnt/c/WINDOWxxxxxxxxxxxxd/sources/Hello.move
[warn] Client/Server api version mismatch, client api version : 1.23.0, server api version : 1.24.0
BUILDING hello_world
Successfully verified dependencies on-chain against source.
RPC call failed: ErrorObject { code: ServerError(-32002), message: “Transaction execution failed due to issues with transaction inputs, please review the errors and try again: TransferObjects, MergeCoin, and Publish cannot have empty arguments. If MakeMoveVec has empty arguments, it must have a type specified.”, data: None }

Caused by:
RPC call failed: ErrorObject { code: ServerError(-32002), message: “Transaction execution failed due to issues with transaction inputs, please review the errors and try again: TransferObjects, MergeCoin, and Publish cannot have empty arguments. If MakeMoveVec has empty arguments, it must have a type specified.”, data: None }

Your publish call is a bit strange, you should pass the path to the Move project and not to the move source file.

sui client publish --gas-budget 10000000 /mnt/c/WINDOWxxxxxxxxxxxxd/ might work, if this folder is the folder where you have your project files:

  • Move.toml file
  • sources/Hello.move

Let me know @kyawgyi if this worked.

excuse me guys Do u solve your problem ,i face the same problem can you help me

Can you please share your command and the resulting output here?

i use’’ sui client publish --gas-budget 100000000 ‘’ in the source file or ‘’ sui client publish --gas-budget 100000000/home/aooooooooe/happy ‘’ but both get:

‘‘RPC call failed: ErrorObject { code: ServerError(-32002), message: “Transaction execution failed due to issues with transaction inputs, please review the errors and try again:\n- TransferObjects, MergeCoin, and Publish cannot have empty arguments. If MakeMoveVec has empty arguments, it must have a type specified”, data: None }’’

can you help me

@aoooooe You should run sui client publish --gas-budget 100000000 in the folder where your Move.toml and source directory are located, not inside the source file. Also if you’re specifying a path, make sure each argument is properly spaced.

If the issue persists, please share the result of the following command:

sui --version && sui client envs

i do with your advice ,but it doesnt work,that is the result of the following command
because i can reply you with a link so i change url a bit,
sui 1.33.2-8d34b8d51818

alias │ url │ active │
│ testnet │ fullnode.testnet.sui io:443 | * │

Could you please check your local environment for anything that might be interfering with the connection to the RPC nodes? I recommend taking the following actions:

  • Reboot your PC
  • Review your network settings, including VPN and antivirus, to ensure nothing is causing interference
  • Reinstall the Sui binary

@aoooooooe Can you also share the result of the following command:
sui client gas

emm,in fact i forget to open auto --save in visual code , so i always run a empty file.after i open
it, it works thanks for your help very much

emm,in fact i forget to open auto --save in visual code , so i always run a empty file.after i open
it, it works thanks for your help very much.

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