RPC call Failed

When i try to publish my code. Code is very simple code. I can build without problem but to publish i get this RPC call failed. I have tried to change IDE but no way i get this message yet.
I’m stuck with this error message :

RPC call failed: ErrorObject { code: ServerError(-32002), message: "Transaction execution failed due to issues with transaction inputs, please review the errors and try again: TransferObjects, MergeCoin, and Publish cannot have empty arguments. If MakeMoveVec has empty arguments, it must have a type specified.", data: None }

Caused by:
    RPC call failed: ErrorObject { code: ServerError(-32002), message: "Transaction execution failed due to issues with transaction inputs, please review the errors and try again: TransferObjects, MergeCoin, and Publish cannot have empty arguments. If MakeMoveVec has empty arguments, it must have a type specified.", data: None }
gitpod /workspace/dtest/test (main) $ sui client active-env

What are you trying to do that lead to the error ?

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I simply tried to publish my program after building it

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Show us the publish command you used
Also do a sui client gas and show how much Sui you have


sui client publish --gas-budget 1000000000

and i have gas, i am set on the right mainnet RPC, i have tried other mainnet RPC

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publish bro sui client publish --gas-budget 1000000000

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And you are doing this from the contract project folder (otherwise you’ll need to add the path to the project folder (not the sources folder)

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