Devnet-0.27.0 Release Notes


  • Sui now accepts weighted multi-scheme Multisig signatures. [enum GenericSignature] replaces all [enum Signature] for user signature verification logic. The [Sui Keytool](JSON-RPC API Quick Start | Sui Docs) command supports 1) Generating Multisig addresses 2) Combining a single signature into a Multisig.
  • [Sponsored Transaction](#8273)
    • Breaking Change - You can now use a different account than the account used for a transaction to pay gas fees for a transaction.
      1. TransactionData now contains GasData to consolidate gas-related info, including gas_owner. When gas_owner is different from the transaction sender, the transaction is a Sponsored Transaction.
      2. SenderSignedData now contains a list of user signatures. A Sponsored transaction must include both the sender’s and the sponsor’s signatures. Duplicated or third-party signatures are not valid. The order of signatures does not matter.
      3. No Sui transactions, such as PaySui, PayAllSui, TransferSui can be sponsored transactions because they involve transferring the gas object.
      4. The Transaction execution APIs now take a list of signatures.
  • RPC Data Structure changes
    • TransactionEffects now contain an executed_epoch field that indicates which epoch this transaction was executed in.
    • TransactionEffects now contain an unwrapped_then_deleted field that contains ObjectRefs that are deleted from the wrapped state. These objects are no longer accounted for within the deleted field.
    • TransactionResponse , the response when you call the get_transaction RPC interface, now contains a checkpoint field that indicates which checkpoint includes the transaction.
  • Bugfix for Source Verification on Publish which was incorrectly suggested that dependencies on-chain differed from dependencies built from source (move-language/move#904)

Full Changelog: Commits · MystenLabs/sui · GitHub


Update is complete. Devnet is online and running.


Thanks for setting up the Devnet! Can’t wait for mainnet frr :laughing:
Each like = 1 hour closer to mainnet


interesting information :heartpulse:

1 Like

Thanks for the useful information. Learned a lot from this article


We are deploying Sui v0.27.1 release to devnet to address network degradation in a few moments. The network will be offline for a short period and will return with a cleared state. Genesis update and fullnode db wipe will be required. Please use devnet-0.27.1 tag for your builds. - Thank you.