I am trying to deploy a contract with the following script:
const deploy_trx = new TransactionBlock();
const [upgradeCap] = deploy_trx.publish({
const { objectChanges, balanceChanges } =
await client.signAndExecuteTransactionBlock({
signer: keypair,
transactionBlock: deploy_trx,
options: {
showBalanceChanges: true,
showEffects: true,
showEvents: true,
showInput: false,
showObjectChanges: true,
showRawInput: false,
So when I am deploying a contract in devnet
with this script I get the following error:
error: JsonRpcError: Fail to retrieve Object layout for 0x2::transfer_policy::TransferPolicyCreated<0xdd2e670fa289cfc56b2b9f597ad1412eec3550e81b1185bad8b8369c2b66c2e::protocol::Channel>
But when I am deploying with the same script in testnet
it’s working. How do I resolve this issue?