Calling smart contract function from react frontend

I had created a mint that works from the console with sui client cli. I am trying to call the smart contract from a react app. Here is the code in react js:

  const { mutate: signAndExecuteTransactionBlock } = useSignAndExecuteTransactionBlock();
 const txb = new TransactionBlock();
      const gasBudgetAmount = Number(MIST_PER_SUI)*2;
      const [coin] = txb.splitCoins(txb.gas, [txb.pure(1)]);
      target: `${contractInfo.PACKAGE_ID}::protocol::mint`,
      arguments: [
        txb.pure("unstoppable channel"),

      transactionBlock: txb,
      chain: 'sui:devnet',
      onSuccess: (result) => {
        console.log('executed transaction block', result);

This is the function signature of the mint function:

public entry fun mint(
        name: String,
        description: String,
        url: String,
        channel_list: &mut ChannelList,
        reserved_channel_list: &mut ReservedChannelList,
        fee: &mut Coin<SUI>,
        ctx: &mut TxContext
    ) {

Connecting to Suiet wallet and calling the smart contract I am getting this error in the wallet:

MoveAbort(MoveLocation { module: ModuleId { address: 
8622d71a2522a4f2cde8481b3072d1730d1668f0bc79d2def4579ec362381d30, name: 
Identifier("protocol") }, function: 2, instruction: 49, function_name: 
Some("mint") }, 0) in command 1 | (RpcError:-5000) (code: -5000)

Connecting to Sui wallet and calling the smart contract I am getting this error in the wall for the same code:

Error: Invalid user signature: Signature is not valid: General cryptographic 
error: Groth16 proof verify failed

What does the errors indicate and How to resolve this?

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Hey Tahlil, can you provide the full mint function? Seems that an assertion is breaking inside it.

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@teohaik I ran it with the sui cli client it worked. So I am assuming the problem is in the frontend code.

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Specifically this command worked:

sui client call --package 0x8622d71a2522a4f2cde8481b3072d1730d1668f0bc79d2def4579ec362381d30 --module protocol --function mint --gas-budget 1000000000 --args "Godzilla" "A test production channel" "" "0xfcbbb8c30d4dff9e4cea35dca046e7dbb991910101b5e8cfffbd3916f3180d0f" "0xa39c4cc30925b3dc2c81aa35d79ed8730b3d7497ceaaf355b6a0304cd90bdbd1" "0x6be9a88dfd03468997742ee148396c10cdaf42aee11d6c406cbc218af2b3269e"

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This is the full mint function:

public entry fun mint(
        name: String,
        description: String,
        url: String,
        channel_list: &mut ChannelList,
        reserved_channel_list: &mut ReservedChannelList,
        fee: &mut Coin<SUI>,
        ctx: &mut TxContext
    ) { 

        //Check channel names are available to mint or not
        assert!(query_channel(channel_list, name) == false, 0);
        assert!(query_resereve_channel(reserved_channel_list, name) == false, 0);

         let mint_fee = calculate_mint_fee(&name);
         assert!(coin::value(fee) >= mint_fee, EInsufficientFunds);
         let coin_balance = coin::balance_mut(fee);
         let paid = balance::split(coin_balance, mint_fee);
         transfer::public_transfer(coin::from_balance(paid, ctx), channel_list.contract_owner);
        //  balance::join(&mut nftshop.profits, paid);
        // create NFT Object
        let nft = NFT {
            id: object::new(ctx),
            channel_name: name,
            channel_description: description,
            url: url       

        // get sender info
        let sender = tx_context::sender(ctx);
        // emit event
        event::emit(MintNFTEvent {
            object_id: object::uid_to_inner(&,
            creator: sender,
            name: nft.channel_name,

        registry(channel_list, sender, name);
        // transfer nft to sender
        transfer::transfer(nft, sender)
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