Adding EigenLayer to Sui to achieve better validator bootstrapping upon launch

I believe most of us know what is EigenLayer. Right now consensus on Sui is achieved through regular Sui validators alone. EigenLayer can be introduced as either additional exception validators to the Sui Network or an additional layer of security on top of validators. And lots of other different ways to do this.

Rationale: It improves the security of the network upon launch, especially from decentralization perspective.


  1. Integrating EigenLayer is also a walk in the park for the engineers in Mysten Labs, and would not be too difficult.
  2. Will be the first (?) blockchain to do so?
  3. Sui’s goal is to onboard the next billion users, so having an additional amount of Ether at staked here will give more confidence for users to trust the network. Slashing risk is not only on Sui token alone, but Eth too.
  4. Unfortunately, majority of the DApps launching on Sui came from Aptos, there are no incentives from users’ perspective to use Sui if everything is already available on Aptos. This gives users the reason to.


  1. May delay the projected launch of Mainnet.



Nice post, one thing I would like to add if Sui’s goal is to onboard the next billion users, so having an additional amount of Ether at staked here will give more confidence for users to trust the network - what is the risk for ETH?


The future looks bright though