Transaction effects show many deleted objects while I did not delete any, where do these object IDs come from?

The transaction effects returned from a test_scenario::next_tx look as follows:

[debug] 0x2::test_scenario::TransactionEffects {
  created: [],
  written: [
    0x2::object::ID {
      bytes: @0xd726ecf6f7036ee3557cd6c7b93a49b231070e8eecada9cfa157e40e3f02e5d3
  deleted: [
    0x2::object::ID {
      bytes: @0x4d44babdb1587e876cb7e6dfcb4740d153461f50769beb008f500d2803d1fce
    0x2::object::ID {
      bytes: @0x195e3f73d1b403ac9e38bcb2f0ea031e3a967fb117c6565ec51d0e412642f579
    0x2::object::ID {
      bytes: @0x2e3e3875f5248b0e1ab55294dd48d3c0bf8e78c9005eed4ae2cbb4f8a162e0a3
    0x2::object::ID {
      bytes: @0x90c5264c9da2b340fdc9fbd15ad3f0a181a57afa7ae55b15a3c5dce6b31f45c8
    0x2::object::ID {
      bytes: @0xeb2f43656d4bfab1b8a5235e55a3cc925eac4b8bd7cf2b1d3bb001c5a7fcac34
  transferred_to_account: 0x2::vec_map::VecMap<0x2::object::ID, address> {
    contents: []
  transferred_to_object: 0x2::vec_map::VecMap<0x2::object::ID, 0x2::object::ID> {
    contents: []
  shared: [
    0x2::object::ID {
      bytes: @0xd726ecf6f7036ee3557cd6c7b93a49b231070e8eecada9cfa157e40e3f02e5d3
  frozen: [],
  num_user_events: 0

I do not delete any objects in my last transaction.

  1. Is it correct to conclude that calling object::new(ctx) to get an id for a struct that does not have the key ability, creates an object and then deletes it?
  2. Only calling test_scenario::take_shared als gives 2 deleted objects. Where do these come from?
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Hey @GCB,

  1. Is it correct to conclude that calling object::new(ctx) to get an id for a struct that does not have the key ability, creates an object and then deletes it?

It does not, you will only see IDs in deleted for one of two reasons:

  • The UID was passed to object::delete.
  • The ID corresponds to a dynamic field, which get added/removed in response to the field being added/removed on a parent object.

If you just call object::new(ctx) and then don’t delete it, but store it somewhere, then it is considered to be “created and wrapped”. This state is not reflected in the current version of TransactionEffects (v1), but if you later unwrap that ID and delete, you will see that ID show up in unwrapped_then_deleted.

In TransactionEffects v2, you will also see created and wrapped IDs, because the effects separately track whether the ID was created and whether an object exists at that ID in global storage.

However, even in this case, an ID that was created and deleted within one transaction will still not show up in effects at all (rather than appearing as both created and deleted).

Only calling test_scenario::take_shared als gives 2 deleted objects. Where do these come from?

I’m not sure about this, I suspect the answer is related to your other question of where these other deletions came from. My theory is that your transactions involve dynamic fields, and you are adding/removing those, and the effects are reflecting that. (Note that Table, Bag, ObjectTable, ObjectBag, LinkedTable, TableVec all use dynamic fields under the hood, so using these could also produce these effects).

The easiest way to tell is if you could share a minimal example test module.