Store info on sui package

In SUI Move syntax, can the SUI package store arbitrary info like object ID?

Hi @tahlil, Constants are a way to keep static values that are shared within a module within a module.

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@taki can you give an example?


const MY_BOOL: bool = false;
const MY_ADDRESS: address = @0x70DD;
const BYTES: vector<u8> = b"hello world";
const HEX_BYTES: vector<u8> = x"DEADBEEF";

const RULE: bool = true && false;
const CAP: u64 = 10 * 100 + 1;
const SHIFTY: u8 = {
    (1 << 1) * (1 << 2) * (1 << 3) * (1 << 4)
const HALF_MAX: u128 = 340282366920938463463374607431768211455 / 2;
const REM: u256 =
    57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819968 % 654321;
const EQUAL: bool = 1 == 1;

You can read more about it on this

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