Serialize an unsigned transaction

Hi all,

Is there a standard way to serialize an unsigned transaction (such that it is supported in Python/TS/Rust SDKs). A few things I considered, but didn’t quite work:

  • In the TS SDK, calling build to get the BCS representation requires (TransactionBlock.ts#L524) the transaction to be “fully prepared” (all objects resolved, etc.), which I’d rather avoid, since I want to capture the transaction in its original form (for example, as it’s passed from a dApp to a Wallet).
  • The TS SDK also supports a custom serialization (TransactionBlock.ts#L484), but that seems to be TS-specific and is not compatible with other languages.

I’d be happy if anyone has a suggestion?


Hi @dimakogan Transactions can be serialized by calling tx.toJSON() on the transaction instance.