Invalid character '"'

Move does not have string literals like in other languages, so code like this, which you might expect to work:

module example::foo {
    use std::string::String;
    public fun bar() {
        let s: String = "hello";

Will produce the following error:

error[E01001]: invalid character
   ┌─ ./sources/foo.move:21:25
21 │         let s: String = "hello";
   │                         ^ Invalid character: '"'

Failed to build Move modules: Compilation error.

Instead of string literals, Move has two other kinds of literals: byte-string literals and hex-string literals, which look similar to strings, but prefixed with b and x respectively. Both these literals produce vector<u8>:

module example::foo {
    public fun bar() {
        assert!(b"hello" == vector[104, 101, 108, 108, 111], 0);
        assert!(x"c0de"  == vector[0xc0, 0xde], 0);

The string and ascii modules offer ways to convert these literals to String types:

module example::foo {
    use std::ascii::{Self, String as ASCIIString};
    use std::string::{Self, String as UTF8String};

    public fun bar() {
        let hello_utf8: UTF8String = string::utf8(b"Hello \xF0\x9F\x98\x8A!");
        let hello_ascii: ASCIIString = ascii::string(b"Hello :)!");