Get all minted NFTs from a package and get all the addresses minted the NFTs

I am trying to get the NFTs minted from a PackageAddress with a script:

async function getMintedNFTAddresses() {
  let cursor: string | null = null;
  const uniqueOwners: Set<string> = new Set();
  let totalNFTs = 0;
  do {
    const result = await suiClient.queryTransactionBlocks({
      filter: { MoveFunction: { package: ${PACKAGE_ADDRESS}, module: "protocol", function: "mint" } },
      options: {
        showInput: true
      cursor: cursor,
      limit: 50, // Adjust limit for performance, e.g., 50, 100, etc.
    }) as any;

    totalNFTs += 
    // Iterate through each transaction block
    for (const tx of {
      if (tx.transaction && {
    if ( === 0) {

    cursor = result.nextCursor;

  } while (cursor); // Continue until no more pages left

  return Array.from(uniqueOwners);

I know that there is 1186 NFTs but I am being stopped 1013 NFT when cursor value at HcTGPiZ9AKzJ2i6uyuKRNqTM2muxheu8bVQWFLW8Uutp how to I get details on all the NFTs?