Dynamic object filed names serialization

This is a question from the Suinami Riders group (Telegram).

I’m having trouble with rpc.getDynamicFieldObject(parentId, fieldName) because I don’t know how to serialize dynamic field names.
Say I have a parent object which contains two dynamic field objects:

  • The name for the 1st one is “Early”, as a vector<u8>
  • The name for the 2nd one is “Early”, as a sui::string::String
    They look like this on-chain:
sui>-$ dynamic-field --json PARENT_OBJECT_ID
  "data": [
    { "name": "vector[69u8, 97u8, 114u8, 108u8, 121u8]", ... },
    { "name": "0x1::string::String {bytes: vector[69u8, 97u8, 114u8, 108u8, 121u8]}", ... }
  ], ...

Now I want to fetch these dynamic objects from JS:

// Doesn't work:
rpc.getDynamicFieldObject(PARENT_OBJECT_ID, 'Early');
// Works (1st object):
rpc.getDynamicFieldObject(PARENT_OBJECT_ID, 'vector[69u8, 97u8, 114u8, 108u8, 121u8]');
// Works (2nd object):
rpc.getDynamicFieldObject(PARENT_OBJECT_ID, '0x1::string::String {bytes: vector[69u8, 97u8, 114u8, 108u8, 121u8]}');

My question is, how can I transform the JS string “Early” into the correct format for dynamic field names so that rpc.getDynamicFieldObject() finds the objects?

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Thanks for posting my question here. Just to be clear, rpc in the example above is an instance of JsonRpcProvider from @mysten/sui.js.

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Looks like this PR will solve it: