Dependencies issues

Failed to build Move modules: Failed to resolve dependencies for package ‘hello_world’

Caused by:
0: Parsing manifest for ‘Sui’
1: The system cannot find the path specified. (os error 3).

this is the error i get everytime i try run sui move build

Would you mind sharing the Move.toml file for the project you are attempting to build + the output of sui --version?

Can you also share the Sui CLI version? sui -V

There are a few things you can try.

  1. Update the sui binary by downloading it from the GitHub release page. We had some issues with choco releases, so the version there is old. Releases · MystenLabs/sui · GitHub
  2. Delete the .build and Move.lock file in the project’s root folder.
  3. Run sui move build && sui move publish from Powershell.
  4. In some cases, Git fails to pull the dependencies because long filename paths. You can use git config --system core.longpaths true to change the global config.

Can you use a newer version? Choco is not updated with the last version yet :frowning:

are these error too?

because i just tried the version 1.31

Those seem to be some warnings, you can ignore them. May I ask what is the reason for building from source instead of using the binary? Do you have an ARM windows machine?

was installing with ubuntu