I have a problem with Ethos wallet in SUI8192 application
Thanks for sharing @akharito – this is not a Sui project, so I’ve CC-ed Jared from Ethos Wallet, in case there is anything that can be done on the app/wallet side to make the issue clearer, but for context, this issue comes from the fact the gas price jumped up recently in Testnet Wave 2, as we test out the functionality to set gas prices, and so many transactions that had reasonable gas prices before are now too expensive. The team is working on easing the friction from this at the moment.
Thanks for your support, amnn!!
Hi folks, apologies for missing this from the Ethos team. As @amnn mentioned, the root cause was likely due to gas price fluctuations in Testnet Wave 2. Right now there might be similar game place instability due to recent breaking changes, and our team’s working on stabilizing things as soon as we can.