After dapp-kit update to 0.14.17 split coin not working

In my next js app I used splitcoins to split a coin, it used to work…but then I updated sui TS sdk library and dapp-kit library for another feature. The split coin is now not working, so before when I clicked to initiate split coin while the wallet was connected there would be pop up after accepting the tx would go through…now after the update I adjusted the syntax (like replacing TransactionBlock with Transaction), but now the pop up is not happening and tx does not happen as well (weirdly no error is also shown). Here is the current syntax:

    const txn = new Transaction();
    const [coins] = txn.splitCoins(txn.gas, [MAX_GAS_FEE * MIST_PER_SUI]);
    txn.transferObjects([coins], txn.pure.address(account?.address));

    await signAndExecute({transaction: txn});

Previously the dapp-kit was version 0.12.15, now it’s 0.14.17
What can be the fix?